Restaurant Kapellen

  • Restaurant Kapellen  1
  • Restaurant Kapellen  2
  • Restaurant Kapellen  3
  • Restaurant Kapellen  4
  • Restaurant Kapellen  5
  • Restaurant Kapellen  1
  • Restaurant Kapellen  2
  • Restaurant Kapellen  3
  • Restaurant Kapellen  4
  • Restaurant Kapellen  5
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This beautiful old building - which once functioned as town hall of Kapellen - has been thoroughly renovated and now houses a restaurant and several conference rooms.

Sustainable living environment

The grand staircase next to the building that connects the Hoevensebaan to the Antwerpsesteenweg is decorated with our green facade consisting of 44 Outdoor Flexipanels. The green façade adorns as a decorative and vibrant statement in the center of Kapellen. The municipality of Kapellen states that they have the responsibility to set an example in regard to a sustainable living environment.