Highway A33

  • Highway A33 1
  • Highway A33 2
  • Highway A33 3
  • Highway A33 4
  • Highway A33 5
  • Highway A33 6
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As far as the eye can see: Sempergreen Sedum-mix blankets adorn the median strip along the A33 autobahn near the German town of Bielefeld. In total, 11,500 square metres of Sedum vegetation blankets have been placed along 7,9 km of the A33. They are intended to thwart other vegetation and weeds, and at the same time offer a pleasant green view for passers-by. This project is carried out in collaboration with German company Internationale Geotextil GmbH.

Sedum filters exhaust gases

After years of experimenting with different ground covers, the right recipe was found with the Sedum-mix blankets. The measurements of the vegetation blankets were adjusted to the width of the median strip for an easy and quick installment. Sedum requires hardly any maintenance and, very importantly, the plants filter the exhaust gases of the car traffic. When in bloom, the Sedum-mix blankets will provide the otherwise dull highway with a sea of bright colours.