Head Office FNP

  • Head Office FNP  1
  • Head Office FNP  2
  • Head Office FNP  3
  • Head Office FNP  4
  • Head Office FNP  5
  • Informazioni sul progetto
  • Prodotti utilizzati

In 2013 Sempergreen realized an impressive green facade for the headquarters of the Foundation for Polish Science in Warsaw. This vertical garden covers 238 m2 and is part of the redevelopment of an apartment building from the 1930s into a modern office building.

Architecture Award

The headquarters of the FNP, designed by FAAB Architektura Adam Białobrzeski | Adam Figurski has won the first prize in the Polish National Architectural Competition. The green façade, which greens the front and sides from the 1st floor up is applied as a means to integrate the building into its green surroundings. The office has now become part of the landscape in the broadest sense of the word. The natural vegetation and the change of the seasons continuously give the building a new look.