Commissioned by the Foundation ‘de Hoven’ architect Wiegerinck designed a developement of four residential buildings in Delfzijl for psychogeriatric clients. In this sheltered accommodation Vliethoven provides care to people with physical disabilities or people that require extra support because of a psychogeriatric condition. Residents can spend their entire life cycle within the provisions of Vliethoven. The design accommodates 56 residents. The buildings are positioned in such a way that they form a square called ‘’t Loug’, a name they use in Groningen for a village center.
BREEAM-NL certificate
Each building has the typical features of a Oldambster farm with front and rear house. The design was awarded the sustainability certificate BREEM Very Good. Sempergreen Sedum-mix blankets were used for the pitched green roofs. They made an important contribution to achieving this certificate.