Green ground covering for garden centres

Why Sempergreen Sedum-mix blankets?
Demand for natural green gardens is increasing rapidly. Planting individual ground cover plants requires a great deal of maintenance. Replacing dead plants, weeding and hoeing is labour-intensive. Consumers, and those in their thirties and forties in particular, have no time in their busy lives for such a time-consuming job. The Sempergreen ready-to-lay ground cover offers the perfect solution for a charming and direct-green garden. Mowing or pruning is thing of the past!
Direct-green ground cover for your garden centre
Sempergreen has developed a special line, tailored to the specific needs of garden centres, where convenience comes first. For green ground cover there is the Sempergreen Sedum-mix blanket. This Sedum blanket is very easily to lay, so that means consumers can easily do it themselves. The mat can be laid directly on the soil and on a gradient of up to 45 degrees. In this way you have a direct-green result in less than no time.
How are the Sempergreen products delivered?
All Sempergreen products for green ground cover are delivered, ready to use, on a CC container with red lock. You always order a full container. As soon as this is empty, you can order a new CC container and we will exchange the empty container for a fully stocked one.