Green ground covering for consumers

Replace paving stones with plants! Sempergreen ready-to-lay ground cover mats bring green back into your garden. With Sempergreen Sedum-mix blankets you can create a direct-green garden in less than no time. This means that mowing and hoeing is thing of the past. Also the ideal solution for homeowners associations and building owners for adding greenery to your building.
Why Sempergreen pre-cultivated ground cover?
If you would like more green in your garden but don't want the time-consuming maintenance. Planting individual ground cover plants means replacing dead plants, weeding and hoeing, a labour-intensive job. The Sempergreen ready-to-lay ground cover offers the perfect solution for a charming and direct-green garden. Mowing or pruning is thing of the past!
How do I maintain vegetation blankets?
The plants used in Sempergreen Sedum-mix blankets are strong, mature and hardy. For a nice constant planted area we recommend fertilizing the ground cover in the spring and autumn. The fertilizers we offer are fully aligned to the plants in the Sedum blankets. For specific maintenance advice for your particular situation, you can always contact our Sales Support department.